Learner Literacy Narratives: a Library of Life, Love and Loss

O projeto:

Narrativas de Literacia de Pessoas Adultas: uma biblioteca de vida, amor e perda

Inspirado no “Museum of Broken Relationships”, este projeto que conta histórias, criado e desenvolvido pela Adult Learning Wales, a Organização Nacional para a Aprendizagem Comunitária de Adultos no País de Gales, Reino Unido, e a Escola Superior de Educação – Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal, é uma aventura emocionante e uma viagem ao poder das histórias, com as pessoas adultas que partilham as suas narrativas sobre a vida, o amor e a perda através da escrita, oralidade, fotografia, vídeo e arte.

Este é um projeto internacional altamente inclusivo, que permitirá às pessoas adultas contribuírem através de vários meios de comunicação, diversas áreas curriculares, para partilharem as suas vozes numa plataforma europeia, na página de Internet desenhada para o projeto.

Se quiser saber mais sobre o projeto e como pode envolver-se e envolver os adultos com quem trabalha, visite: https://lifeloveloss.digital/

Espreite este projeto muito especial e entre! Faça parte desta aventura!
Gostávamos muito que se juntasse a nós!

English version

This project was inspired by a chance visit to the ‘Museum of Broken Relationships’ in Zagreb, Croatia, in June 2023, by two delegates who were attending the annual EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults) Conference, on behalf of their respective organisations – Adult Learning Wales, UK and the University of Coimbra, Portugal. Over the past year, the two organisations have worked closely together to curate something very unique! The result of these endeavours is the creation of a fabulous website for the showcasing of learner work, which will allow ALE, ACL, FE and HE organisations from across the globe, to upload their learners’ work (on the topic of the significance of specific artefacts from a past relationship) so that their work can be given an international audience and be celebrated by many.

This is a highly inclusive international Project, which will allow your learners to contribute through an array of media, in a number of curriculum areas, to share their voices on a European platform, on their own specially created website.
If you would like to learn more about the Project, and how you and your learners can get involved, please contact Tamara Garnault, Project Coordinator – learnerliteracynarratives@adultlearning.wales

Take a look at this very special project and be a part of its journey.
We would be delighted to have you on board!

Know more about the project: https://lifeloveloss.digital/



Evento de lançamento do Projeto Internacional “Learner Literacy Narratives: a Library of Life, Love and Loss”

Inscrição em: https://adultlearning-wales.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIscOisqDktE9AhrTt9Lpcf4l9gDOCPJ5C2#/registration





Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico de Coimbra (ESE-IPC)

  • Dina Soeiro (Project Conception and Management)

Adult Learning Wales (ALW)

  • Beth John (Project Conception and Management)
  • Alex Lloyd (Project Marketing Management)
  • Rhydian Williams (Project Digital Output Inception and Management)
  • Tamara Garnault (Project Coordinator)
  • Florence Walkey (Project Promotion and Social Media)
  • Sarah K Jones (Project Logo Design and Development)
  • Cecilia Forsythe (Curriculum Development Coordinator)
  • Llewelyn Williams (Project Website and 3D Environment Coordination)
  • Luke Jones (Design & Development of Project 3D Environment and Interactivity)

Dragon Fruit Films

  • Stephen Rhys Johnson (Project Video Production – Filming and Editing)