From March 10 to 14, the Coimbra School of Education will host the participants of the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) Sustain@FitTech | Connecting Physical Activity, Sustainability, Health and Well-being through Digital Transformation.
A total of five UNIgreen institutions are taking part in the programme: the Polytechnic of Coimbra as programme coordinator, the University of Almeria (Spain), HEPL – Haute École de la Province de Liège (Belgium) and Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland) and the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (Italy).
The Sustain@FitTech programme was developed to revolutionise education and promote mixed mobility between students and staff, creating an innovative approach to teaching and learning. By harnessing digital transformation, Sustain@FitTech seamlessly integrates physical activity, sustainability and wellbeing into its curriculum, aligning with the broader objectives of the Blended Intensive Programme (BIP).
Through immersive experiences, participants engage in transnational and transdisciplinary courses of the highest quality. The programme promotes collaboration between diverse players, including students, teachers and industry experts, to explore the most innovative advances in both physical activity and digital technology. Sustain@FitTech aims to break down the traditional barriers of education by incorporating digital tools and platforms to enhance learning outcomes. By connecting physical exercise, sustainability and well-being, participants gain a comprehensive understanding of the positive effects that technology can have on both the environment and health. In addition, the programme promotes mixed mobility by offering opportunities for participants to take part in virtual and face-to-face activities, fostering a dynamic learning environment that transcends geographical boundaries.
Overall, Sustain@FitTech embodies the spirit of innovation and collaboration, paving the way for a new era of education that embraces digital transformation, promotes sustainable practices and enhances personal well-being.
Program |
Monday | 10.03.2025 |
9h- 10h30 | Auditorium (Campus ESEC) Session 1: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Their Impact on Health and Well-beingProfessor: Ricardo Melo (ESEC/IPC)Session 2: Project Space GOLL- Green Living Lab11h- 12h30 | The Olympic Swiming Complex of the Municipality of Coimbra Host: Artur Santos 14h – 17h – External Visit – Coimbra Agriculture School (ESAC) INOPOL- Academy of Entrepreneurship 15h – Tour of the incubator facilities; 15h20 – Presentation of INOPOL’s Projects, actions and activities; 16h00 – Testemonials from one of our entrepreneurs, sharing their projects, journey and main challenges; 16h30 – End of the activity Host: João Carreira |
Tuesday | 11.03.25 |
10h- 12h30 | External activity: Tourist visit at the University of Coimbra and downtown area Location: Praça 8 de maio, 3000-300 Coimbra (Baixa- Downtown area) 14h-15h | Session 3: Integrating Technology for Sustainable Health Solutions (Health and Nutricion) Location: Amphitheatre (Campus ESEC) Professor: Margarida Liz Martins (ESTeSC) 16h-17h |Session 5: Ideation Kickoff: Sparking Innovative Project Concepts Location: Amphitheatre (Campus ESEC) Professor: Carla Moura (I2A) |
Wednesday |12.03.25 |
9h – 10h30 | Auditorium (Campus ESEC)
Session 5: Innovation Challenges and Emerging Technologies: Tehe cases of Sport and Exercise Health Sciences Location: Campus ESEC Professor: Pedro Esteves (Guest) 11h – 12h30 | Auditorium ESEC (Campus ESEC) Session 6: Actif: Revolutionizing Senior Well-Being with Personalized Physical and Cognitive Activities Location: Campus ESEC Host: Sara Gonçalves (Actif) 14h – 15h30 | Auditorium ESEC Session 7: Exploring Artificial Intelligence Tools for Technological Projects in Physical Activity, Health and Sustainability Location: Campus ESEC Professor: Maryam Abassi (I2A) 16h – 18h00 | Auditorium ESEC External Activity: Paddle/Cannoning” Experience: Nature, Sustainability and Well-being Location: Clube Fluvial de Coimbra (Parque Verde do Mondego Professor: Sérgio Bento (ESEC/IPC) |
Thursday | 13.03.25 |
9h – 10h30 | Auditorium ESEC
Session 8: Sustainable Urban Planning and Active Living Location: Campus ESEC Professor: Carla Ferreira (I2A) 11h – 12h30 | Auditorium ESEC Session 9: Pitch Mastery: Hands-on Workshop for Hight Impact Presentations Location: Campus ESEC Professor: Paula Ferreira (I2A) 14h – 15h30 | Auditorium ESEC Session 10: Physical Activity, Health and Scientific innovation: Insights from University of Almeria Location: Campus ESEC Professor: Enrique Artero (University of Almeria) 19h30 – BIP Celebration Dinner Location: Campus ESEC |
Friday | 14.03.25 |
9h00-13h00 | Amphitheatre (Campus ESEC) Session 5: Closing Session
Location: Campus ESEC Professors: Team BIP- IP Coimbra |